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Friday, April 17, 2009

I can tell everybody frankly that choir has become my life. I cannot live without it. If you were to trace back to my primary school days of my choir history, I cannot give you a clear answer as to why I join choir. I think I joined choir because of peer pressure. Singing sounded normal then and for the sake of a CCA, I decided to join choir to occupy my time. I joined Dunman High choir not out of interest too, but because I want to get into Dunman High. (I joined choir through DSA) About three years have passed and I can tell you straight in the face that I LOVE CHOIR SUPER DUPER A LOT!

I would be telling you a straight lie if I said I enjoyed choir for every single practice. True, choir has its ups and downs and practices were not always productive. I was even irritated with the choir at some point in time, however, deep in my heart, my love for the choir is not one to be underestimated. If I were to write about all the events that happened in choir, this reflection will be never ending. So, I will just write about one event that is still vividly fresh in my mind, SYF 2009.

SYF is a truly god given event that he had specially put in my life. This competition has impacted me in a way that nothing else can. When our choir committee began to plan for SYF, our aim was gold with honours. This was not an unrealistic aim. We knew that we could do it. Nothing was going to stop us from doing it. To achieve our goal, we had to practice extremely hard in the months leading up to SYF. We did physical training three times a week and had choir for three hours every practice. The learning process was like a roller coaster ride. There were good days and bad days, but certainly more good than bad. Our three SYF pieces are THE WHITE HORSES, KYRIE and RI WENG DU ZHAN. Frankly speaking, we did not like the songs at first but as days progressed, we saw the uniqueness and the beauty of these pieces.

We spent a long time to set a solid foundation for the songs, but bit by bit, the songs were put into place. Dynamics, phrasing, rhythm, style, tone, sound etc were performed and notes were corrected. Our choir worked hard during practices and out of practice to do their best in DHS choir. We had exchanges with choirs from other schools, to learn from one another. Time passes. There comes a stage when our conductor told us that we were ready for SYF. We felt good, pure goodness. However, this did not allow us to be complacent and we still trained hard for the competition.

16th April 2009 marks the day that we had long awaited for. I was quite calm on that day and all that I could think of was to do my best in the performance. We had our last rehearsals in the choir room. Our kyrie had exactly the right sound that we had been hoping for. We had tall vowels and a round sound. Kyrie sounded very touching, even our conductor nodded her head in approval. Ri Weng was good! We did not rush even with a fast tempo. White horses was lovely. I can even picture the waves rising and dipping as they toss playfully. We knew we were ready. We were certain we were ready. We were ready.

We were the last choir to perform. I was trying to breathe deeply and keep calm backstage. I was thinking something humorous: What if I tripped on my skirt and embarrassed the choir? Anyway, when we went onstage, I felt a sudden outburst of confidence. This was the day that I had been waiting for. I was not there for a competition, but to showcase the beauty of choral music. As the piano started playing, the vision of waves had already flooded my mind. I am the wave, I will gallop and bound with all my other friends till we slowly dissolve in the mist. My mind was a clear enjoyment. I am a performer. I am here to sing and perform. I will do my best. Kyrie was better than anyone expected. Our singing touched my heart, especially at the e lei I son part. I felt touched, really touched. What beautiful music, what nice sound, O Kyrie. Before I knew it, Kyrie came to an end. Our last chord came to a stop. Ri Weng Du Zhan came in full speed. Our horses were black and full of energy. We did not have any legs missing, thankfully. We did not go out of tune. As our performance came to an end, I felt extreme satisfaction. That feeling was good. I did not want to step offstage. I want to perform the songs over and over again. Oh why, why must this magnificent day come to an end? I want to perform. I want to sing. I want the nice melody. I was full of reluctance as I made my way offstage. Lots of my friends burst into tears of joy because we performed better than we expected. We knew we had done our best and would leave behind NO regrets.

Ms Lin said our performance was fabulous. The year ones said that our performance was good. We were just hoping that we could do the school proud by getting a gold or a gold with honours. We held our breaths as we waited for the results to be announced. “ The 36th choir, Dunman High School, Silver” A stunned silence could be felt before the results sank in. People burst into tears, disappointed that they failed to achieve their goal. I was shocked but remained calm. I am truly proud of our choir regardless of the results that we get. I know that most people only look at results. People tend to assume of choirs as either a gold choir, a silver choir or a bronze choir. Actually, there are no such choirs. There are only good or poor choirs. Hence, Dunman High Choir is a good choir which attained a silver in SYF.

Through SYFs, we learnt that experience and friendship rule over results. It does not matter how people view us but how we viewed ourselves. We had put in our GOLD WITH HONOURS HONOURS HONOURS HONOURS HONOURS efforts and nothing matters to us anymore. We had made tremendous improvements together as a big family and had had lots of memorable experiences. I am truly proud of DHS choir.

My love for choral music has also increased greatly through this event. I want to be a performer. I can be a good performer. I will be a good performer. I would like to thank Ms Tham, our conductor, for patiently guiding the choir through months of practices. I would like to thank Ms Lin, Mrs Yeo and Mr Tan for their guidance and support, the committee especially our president Jane, vice president Shou Yi and Kasey and our student conductor, Zi Xuan for motivating and encouraging us during practices. I would like to thank God for providing me support when I feel down. Most importantly, I would like to thank all our choristers who sent me letters of encouragements and put in their best in the performance. I will never ever forget this wonderful experience. THANK YOU DHS CHOIR. I LOVE YOU!

came at6:26 AM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Helllooooooooo! Finally a day of rest after a whole week. Had choir practice on Tuesday and Wednesday at MOUNT SINAI! Very few people turn up because most of them went overseas. Only the loyal me stay in Singapore, my beloved countryyyyyy. Yeeks! Learnt all those orientation songs and WHITE HORSES. The piece is quite interesting when you start learning it but it gets more boring every second.

Anywayzzz, while we were walking home from school on Tuesday, there was this man at the underpass of the MRT station and he was kinda basking. Not an unfamiliar sight huh? So Zhi Ting, Yi Ching and me were like walking towards his direction and he suddenly went to the middle of the underpass and started opening his legs. After that, he began leaning backwards and smiled a pervertic smile. We were like ????? What was he doing? Then he started singing some weird song while still smiling at us. Hwee Wern and Yun Qi were also there. Super funny.

Now I am currently obsessed with xiao3 niang2 re3. YAY! A lot of people from choir also watch that show! I LOVE YUE NIANG and I still cannot accept the fact that Yu Zhu is going to die soonnnnnn! SAD lah this show. I bet only Yue Niang survived at the end lorzzz. I just want Charlie Zhang and his son to die soon. That will never happen! SAD again.

I still have three episodes of FORENSIC HEROES waiting for me at home!!!!!! Missed that show too! Now there is an exciting murder case. Must go and watch! I think that I am watching too much television! Will Die next year, especially when all my classmates are all the smartyzzz people. Shall stop here!

Joanna (:

came at10:00 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008

Yipee, I am posting again. I shall not let my blog rot. I am super lonely now! There is a lot to do at home, but I don't wish to do anything. My choir is in Vienna now, bringing glory to the school.... I hope. My sister will be leaving for Shan Dong tomorrow and that leaves me all alone at home. I REALLY WANT TO GO VIENNA CAN? Seeing the choir practice and everything makes me depressed. They separated the Vienna choir and the non-Vienna choir for a few sessions. I hope that I can join them for SYF once they come back.

I got into 3L next year, triple science history. Just a bit unhappy that my sister got into 6K. I was hoping that we can be the Ls. (my sister was from 5L) Anywayzz, looking forward to be with my new class, but I will miss my friends in 2A. SOBS. Shirlyn not same class as me lehsss! I was hoping that a miracle will happen...... Enjoying herself in Vienna now! Remember to buy goodies for me ok??

Life is boring! Maybe I made it that way. I don't know. I don't get it why people can do what they want while I have to do what other people want. I feel like I am living for other people and not myself. I am not even supposed to be blogging now! Argh! My life is so topsy turvy. When will the Vienna people come back? I have already deserted the choir for so long. Other people seem to be so busy with their CCAs and I feel like I am in a totally different world. Why must I miss the experience of a lifetime? (I don't think that I will be going Vienna ever again)

Go room to study and rot. Bye

Joanna (:

came at6:28 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008

Hello, I am so obsessed with channel 8, 9pm crime busters x2. Super nice lor, so I shall upload the theme song here. I like Yu Jie, she has a very unique beauty in this show. Xia Zhu is very cute and Da Xiong is very lame. Can you believe that Surgical Maniac is a girl? When I saw that, I was like: he gay huh? Anyway, hope you like the theme song, because I like it very much. A bit mysterious....................

came at10:00 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008

Hi, exams are over and I am blogging again. Anybody have any ideas how to do the e portfolio? I dunno how to do! Actually I wanted to blog about how badly I did for my exams but then.......... forget it. I dun want to spoil my wonderful mood.

Yesterday went to school for choir practice and it was well, weird. I was like the only person in 2A attending the flag raising ceremony and Shirlyn was standing behind me. Then chen lao shi came and said I must represent 2A for the day. LOL Anyway, we had PT and I ran 2 rounds round the track. Became so tired after that that I did not play captain's ball. Our PT ended at like 10.00 and I have only one hour of choir practice!

Wished I was going to Vienna. It sounded so fun! I dun mind the extra practices! Haiz! Time passes so quickly when I was having fun! Then Ms Lin came to choir to talk about some issues. She confused me with the VISA thing. Is that how you spell it? Anyway, I went home to ask my parents and they said I do not need a VISA. Anyway, I am also not going Vienna.

My life has been so boring lately and do you know that we are getting back our exam papers in the gym????? I was reading the notice board and almost fainted. Not in our classes! In the gym!
The whole level.

This is the order

First day

Language Arts


Second day


Higher Chinese



I am dead!

I thank my parents for guiding me through this difficult time!

I thank God too!

Lord, I pray that you will use my results, good or bad to glorify your name

Because I am living for your glory

Joanna :)

came at12:00 AM
Friday, September 19, 2008

I am going to post some very important scenes in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. You all can revise for your eoys if you want (by watching). Relax a while.....

Most famous speech

This is the closing scene

Still got a lot, just that dun want to post so many. Go youtube watch. Must study for EOYS. BYE!

Joanna :)

came at12:00 PM
Monday, September 8, 2008

"I will never leave you nor forsake you"

These words really played a major part in my life.

I take comfort that the Lord still loves me regardless of how many times I have failed him.

"A thousand times I failed, still your mercy remains"

The quality of mercy is not strained

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath

It is twice blest.

It bleseth him that gives and him that takes

Tis mightiest in the mightiest.................

It is the attribute of GOD himself

I am grateful that I have a merciful God

I am grateful that God will forgive me when I make the most ridiculous mistakes

I am grateful that he will never leave me nor forsake me

I am grateful for who he is


I do not deserve it

I am a rotten apple

Yet, it is by grace and through faith that I am saved




I thank you


I thank you

You are my strength

my shield

my portion


my shelther

strong tower

my very present help in times of need

Joanna :)

came at2:24 AM

I am glad that you are here (:

God's Child.

Ex Gongshanger
1A 2A 3L


World salvation
get into SYF
do well in my studies
be able to do sit ups soon

Verse A Day.

The Conversations.


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Saviour King.mp3 - Hillsongs
Saviour King

And now the weak say I have strength
By the spirit of power that raised Christ from the dead
And now the poor stand and confess
That my portion is and I'm more blessed

Let now our hearts burn with a flame
A fire consuming all for your Son's holy name
And with the heavens we declare
You are our king

We love you Lord, we worship you
You are our God, you alone are good
You asked your Son to carry this
The heavy cross our weight of sin

I love you Lord, I worship you
Hope which was lost, now stands renewed
I give my life to honor this
The love of Christ, the savior king

Let now your church shine as the bride
That you soar in your heart as you offered up your life
Let now the lost be welcomed home
By the saved and redeemed those adopted as your own

I give my life to honor this
The love of Christ, the savior king